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Zinc alternatives. When does zinc deficiency occur and what form of fertilizer to choose

Zinc alternatives.
When does zinc deficiency occur and what forms of fertilizer should I choose?

According to the results of the last monitoring of the agricultural land of Ukraine, 90.7% of the plots have very low and low content of mobile zinc!

Factors limiting the availability of zinc:
- Low content of organic matter.
- Light and sandy soils with high pH.
- Excessive content of sulfates and phosphates in the soil solution will lead to immobilization of zinc.
- Conditions in which root development, such as compaction and cold wet soils, negatively affect the availability of zinc.
- Highly available phosphorus can increase zinc deficiency, and a high level of nitrogen fertilization and a very high level of potassium can also cause a zinc deficiency.
- In anaerobic conditions, zinc can be precipitated in a poorly soluble sulfide form, which is mostly unavailable to plants.

The value of Zn:
• Synthesis of sugar, starch
• Flowering, formation of seeds
• Stability of cell membranes
• Regulation of redox reactions
• Increased stress resistance
• Activation of enzymes
• Synthesis of auxin (tryptophan)
• Root formation

The most sensitive to zinc deficiency are: corn, rice, buckwheat, flax, hops, sorghum, legumes, fruits, grapes, citrus fruits, onions, wheat.

The company LLC SIC «Kvadrat» has three formulations of zinc fertilizers, which correspond to the highest world level and are intended for various conditions and purposes of use, and each product has its own advantages. This is a highly concentrated suspension fertilizer with inorganic forms of zinc and two chelated forms using different types of chelating agents.

ZMax Zinc 700.
Zinc content 700 g/l. Highly concentrated liquid suspension zinc fertilizer. It is intended for foliar fertilization, application to the soil, processing of seeds and granulated NPK fertilizer (special formulation). Application rates for foliar feeding: corn 0.5-1.0 l/ha, grain ears 1.0-2.0 l/ha, fruit crops 1.0-2.0 l/ha, berries 0.25-0 -0.5 l/ha.

Quantum ZINC CHELATE (Zn).
Zinc content 65 g/l. Complex zinc microfertilizer containing high concentrations of phosphorus (100 g/l), potassium (100 g/l) and zinc in the form of chelate. Designed for foliar feeding, seed treatment and fertigation. Application rate: corn 0.5-1.0 l/ha, vegetables 0.5-1.0 l/ha, fruits 0.1-0.2 l/100 l of water, berries 0.2-0.4 l /100 l of water.

Quantum ZINC CHELATE (Zn) 117 EDTA
The zinc content is 117 g/l. The most concentrated chelated zinc microfertilizer (EDTA). It has excellent compatibility in tank mixtures thanks to the ExtraChelation technology. Intended for foliar feeding, applied with starter fertilizers using In-Furrow® technology, seed treatment and fertigation. Application rates: corn 0.2-0.8 l/ha, vegetables 0.2-0.8 l/ha, fruits 0.05-0.1 l/100 l of water, berries 0.07-0.3 l /100 l of water.
