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Boron deficiency and how to avoid it

When does boron deficiency occur and how can it be avoided?

The absorption coefficient is only 3-10%!

Factors affecting manifestations of B deficiency:
• Low soil moisture.
• Sandy soils with a low content of organic substances often demonstrate boron deficiency due to its significant mobility in the soil and high leaching potential.
• Soils with high pH values ​​reduce solubility and, consequently, absorption by plants.
• Soils with low pH values ​​increase solubility, but can also lead to leaching of boron from the root zone.
• Soils with a high level of available calcium may require additional application of boron.
• Boa deficiency reduces the rate of moisture absorption, root growth, and sugar transport in plants.

The average content of boron in the soil is 0.6 - 1.2 ppm; in the leaf mass of rapeseed 15-20 ppm (budding phase), corn 10-45 ppm (in the phase of 8-9 leaves), sunflower 20-50 ppm (in the phase of 2-3 pairs of leaves).

Factors that reduce transpiration, such as high humidity and low humidity of the soil, negatively affect the mobility of boron along the xylem (with water upwards, from the roots to the stems and leaves).

The form of boron affects the effectiveness of boron fertilizers.

Sources of boron for foliar fertilization:

Dry water-soluble fertilizers:

Proventus - Ultra Borum (B). Boron content 21%. Rate of use: corn 0.2-0.3 kg/ha, rapeseed 0.7-1.0 kg/ha, sunflower 0.5-1.0 kg/ha.

Liquids based on borethanolamine:

Quantum BORUM CLASSIC (B). Boron content 15% Because of its high efficiency, it does not require high application rates. Rate of use: corn 0.3 l/ha, rapeseed 1.0-2.0 l/ha, sunflower 0.5-1.0 l/ha.

Quantum BORUM ACTIVE+MOLYBDENUM (B + MO). Boron content 12%. Additionally enriched with molybdenum (0.6%) and cobalt (0.04%). It is recommended for feeding legumes and for growing plants on acidic soils.

Quantum BORUM ASSET (B). Boron content 14%. In addition, it contains copper, molybdenum, amino acids and polyols. The most effective boron fertilizer with APT technology (Active Phloem Transport) technology to increase the phloem mobility of nutrients!

The amino acids in the product improve the absorption of boron by the surface of the leaves, stimulate metabolism and increase the stress resistance of plants, which is especially important for the critical phase of generative development.

The innovative complex of polyols contributes to the effective retention of boron through the phloem to the growth points and in young plant tissues.
