Quantum CALCIUM (Ca)

Quantum CALCIUM (Ca)

Concentrated liquid Calcium fertilizer with a high level of biologically active form of Calcium.

This fertilizer is also enriched with Magnesium, Boron and other components to improve

the better efficiency.





Quantum Calcium (Ca) PRO. 

The liquid concentrated calcium fertilizer additionally contains

magnesium and plant-derived amino acids to improve nutrient absorption and enhance stress

resistance. It does not contain mineral nitrogen, which eliminates the stimulation of

secondary shoot growth.



 Сhemical composition (% w/v) and properties


Quantum CALCIUM (Ca)

  • N – 12,6 % (126 g/l)
  • CaО – 20,9 % (209 g/l)
  • MgO – 3 % (30 g/l
  • B – 0,2% (2 g/l)
  • рН – 4,0-7,0
  • Density – 1,40-1,50 kg/l


Quantum CALCIUM (Са) Pro

  • СаО – 20,2% (202 g/l)
  • MgO – 2,5% (25 g/l)
  • Amino acids – 5,0% (50 g/l)
  • pH – 6,0-7,8
  • Density – 1,3– 1,4 kg/l



Action and impact 


The product contains Calcium in a soluble form and is non-phytotoxic. Calcium in the product is highly mobile and quickly penetrates plants. It is intended for:


  • strengthening the structure of cell walls and membranes, improving the water-holding capacity of protoplasm;

  • increasing crop strength and transportability;

  • stimulating enzymatic and hormonal processes, activating the transport of auxins from growth points to the roots, thereby improving root system development;

  • enhancing the transport of sugars and assimilates;

  • stimulating pollination, fertilization, and fruit retention;

  • increasing resistance to biotic factors (pests and infections);

  • magnesium promotes photosynthesis, carbohydrate formation, and accumulation of ascorbic acid, thereby improving fruit quality.