
Conditioner, water softener based on compounds of carboxylic acids and phosphorus-containing compounds. Binds cations hardness (Ca and Mg) and other metals in tank solutions of pesticides to prevent the interaction of active substances.


 Сhemical composition (% w/v) and properties


  • Chelating agents - 46.5%
  • pH (1%) - 7.0 - 8.5
  • Density1.30 – 1.35 kg/l
  • Binding capacity - not less than 155 mg CaCO3 / ml



The action and effect of the drug


The drug is a mixture of chelating agents and similar compounds in high concentration

(450-500 g/l in terms of EDTA) with the addition of special components. The drug effectively binds hardness

cations (in particular, Ca and Mg) and other metals in pesticide solutions to prevent interaction with active ingredients.




  • high concentration and purity of components;
  • special additives help retain the nutrient solution on the leaf surface and provide a prolonged effect;
  • stabilizes the working solution by binding calcium, magnesium and other metal ions and converts them into a form bioavailable to plants.




Recommended application rates (ml of the drug per 100 liters of water)


Hardness of water Consumption rate
°dH ppm CaCO3 characteristic ml/100l
0—4° 0—70 ppm very soft 0
5—8° 70—140 ppm soft 30-80
9—12° 140—210 ppm medium hardness 60-130
13—22° 210—390 ppm hard 90-240
23—34° 390—600 ppm very hard 170-370
  600—800 ppm   260-500
  800—1000 ppm   350-620


Indicative norms are given, since the chemical composition of water can vary significantly depending on the source and location. For a more accurate calculation, it is necessary to calculate the preliminary determination of the water hardness index and the need for the drug. To control the decrease in the level of hardness to the required level, it is recommended to test the water hardness after adding the drug.


Always add the product to the sprayer tank before pesticides and other agrochemicals.




Compatibility with other agrochemicals


Quantum Softener is highly compatible with plant protection products and other fertilizers. Before mixing, it is recommended to check the compatibility of the preparations: the test preparation of the working solution should not precipitate. Slight haze is allowed.


Not recommended for use with copper fungicides!


It is recommended to shake the drug thoroughly before use.