It is most expedient to use Quantum Gekon for spraying plants with contact fungicides and insecticides, for which full coverage with the solution is a prerequisite for high efficiency.
The standard application rates of the product range from 0.025-0.05 liters per 100 liters of spray solution. If necessary, the rate can be increased, but the dosage should not exceed 0.1 liters per 100 liters of water, as this may lead to runoff from the leaf surface.
The product enhances the penetration of herbicides into the plant, increasing the risk of phytotoxic effects on the crop. However, when used with broad-spectrum herbicides, the risk is absent.
When spraying plants, the consumption of the working solution is:
for field, vegetable crops – 200-400 l / ha,
for grapes and fruit crops – 500-1000 l / ha.
The working solution is prepared immediately before use. Fill the tank 2/3 with water and, while stirring, add the components sequentially, waiting for uniform mixing of the previous component. Then Quantum Gekon is added and water is added until the tank is completely filled. Spraying in the morning or evening. The optimum air temperature is +10-25 ° С, wind speed - up to 5 m/s.
Quantum Gekon is compatible with plant protection products and other fertilizers. Before mixing, it is recommended to check the compatibility of the preparations: the test preparation of the working solution should not precipitate. Slight haze is allowed.